Our Mission
Music can touch your very soul.
Our mission is to take you down the path to make it happen in your home.
A hi-fi system is the vehicle for exploring the world of music; the better the system, the longer and wider that vehicle will take you. The 'best' system should bring a new life out of you. It should compel you to listen more intensely and rediscover your music collection. It can be life changing not just for you but for your family and friends.
Whether a first-time buyer or a veteran audiophile, identifying the best system for your allotted budget is the need. But its no easy task. No matter how large or small the budget, getting the best value is the challenge.
Choosing the right components, matching those components to each other, and setting them up are key to obtaining the best solution, This may be daunting as you grapple with options to realize your dream system, while staying within your budget. Oceanic shows you the path.
Some home truths
Some big time equipment makers and hi fi magazines will advise you to spend the most on the speakers After all, they ultimately produce the sound. A few may imply that all amplifiers are the similar, their specs seem to be the same so why spend on expensive amplifiers? And why bother about cables or connectors ?
The truth of audio is that if the signal isn't good at the beginning of the reproduction chain, nothing downstream can ever improve it. In fact, the signal will only be degraded by any product it flows through right down to the connector. High-end audio equipment simply minimizes that degradation. If your CD Player, DAC or music server is flat, shrill or lowquality, the final sound will be flat, shrill, or low.
In any integrated equipment solution the total system's performance is limited by the resolution of the lowest quality component in the signal flow. Great speakers, an excellent turntable and cartridge are of little value with a poor quality Amplifier in the signal chain. High end speakers could show the imperfections of the electronics upstream of them. Amplifiers and source components therefore are equally important. Quality matching of components is essential to getting the best sound for your budget.
Hence, quality source components, good electronics and excellent cables which are all matched, are essential to realizing the best system.
To break down our mission in real terms, it means to understand your environment, your needs and your budget and select and apply the best combination out of all the various options to determine the ultimate solution for you.